Ancient Path Discipleship Making and Berean Baptist Church 12-Day Adventure to Israel & Jordan, February 1 - 12, 2026

USD $4,495.00
  • Duration: 12 Days
  • Location: Petra
  • Product code: APDM26

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Join us on the journey of a lifetime as we explore the land of the Bible. We will follow in the footsteps of Jesus and his disciples as we travel through the Holy Land, where our Messiah lived and worked miracles. Watch the Scriptures come to life as you visit places like Bethlehem, Jericho, the Mount of Olives, the Sea of Galilee, and Jerusalem. Float in the Dead Sea, discover Masada, marvel at Petra, and gaze upon the Valley of Armageddon. This trip will be an incredible spiritual experience that will forever change how you read, study, and understand the Scriptures. Reserve your spot today!

Pastor Joel Zaborowski

12-Day Journey to Israel & Jordan

DAY 01 (FEB 1): BEGINNING OF OUR TOUR – Depart USA for Tel Aviv, Israel.

DAY 02 (FEB 2): INTO THE LAND OF THE BIBLE – Arrive in Tel Aviv where you will be met at the airport for transfer to your hotel. Dinner and overnight in Netanya.

DAY 03 (FEB 3): CAESAREA/SEPPHORIS/NAZARETH VILLAGE  Drive north along the Mediterranean coast to gorgeous Caesarea Maritima. Visit the Roman theater as well as Herod the Great’s seaside palace and its ruins. Visit Sepphoris, a capitol city of Herod Antipas, where Jesus likely learned carpentry skills as a young person. Have lunch at Nazareth Village. Visit the Nazareth Precipice. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias

DAY 04 (FEB 4): CAPERNAUM/GALILEE  Begin the morning visiting Capernaum, the hub from which Jesus equipped His disciples for ministry. Drive to the top of the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee and walk to the Eremos Cave. Visit Bethsaida for a fish lunch. View the Jesus Boat, or Galilee Boat, the name given to an ancient fishing boat discovered in the Sea of Galilee and now on display at the Yigal Allon Museum at Kibbutz Ginosar on the edge of the Sea of Galilee. Take a boat ride on the calm surface of the Sea of Galilee. Visit Kursi National Park. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias. 

DAY 05 (FEB 5): GALILEE - Travel to Dan, Israel at the foot of Mt. Hermon. Have lunch in Casearea Phillipi. Visit the Valley of Tears in the Golan Heights. Travel to and view Mt. Arbel where the “great commission” to make disciples was likely delivered by Jesus. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias. 

DAY 06 (FEB 6): BEIT SHE'AN/JERICHO/QUMRAN – Depart Galilee for the Dead Sea. Visit Beit She’an, the leading city in the Decapolis and the place where the Philistines hung the bodies of King Saul and his sons on the city walls. Continue to Jericho to see the ruins and excavations of the ancient city. Head to Yardenit, where you will have a chance to be baptized in the Jordan River. Head to the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized to launch Him into His public ministry. See the caves of Qumran where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered by a shepherd boy. See En Gedi before View the Mount of Temptation, where Jesus was tempted by Satan. Dinner and overnight at the Dead Sea. 

DAY 07 (FEB 7): DEAD SEA/BETHLEHEM/JERUSALEM - Begin the day at Masada, the desert fortress built by Herod the Great and used by Jewish zealots as a stronghold during the revolt. Drive to the little town of Bethlehem for a visit to the Shepherd's Fields with views of the Fields of Boaz and Ruth. Tour the Jerusalem Museum with an incredible model city of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Visit the Mount of Olives. Dinner and overnight in the Old City of Jerusalem. 

DAY 08 (FEB 8): JERUSALEM - Start your day with a walk to the Temple Mount, followed by a visit the pool of Bethesda. Stand at the Western Wall where Jews have prayed to God for centuries. Walk the Southern Steps and see remnants from the days of the Second Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Enjoy lunch a choice of restaurants in the Jewish Quarter of old city. Tour Hezekiah's Tunnel. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem. 

DAY 09 (FEB 9): JERUSALEM - Enjoy a special teaching in the Upper Room. Follow the Palm Sunday path stopping at the Church of All Nations and spend time in quiet reflection and prayer as you visit the Garden of Gethsemane. View Caiaphas's house. Have lunch in the Old City. Visit the church of the Holy Seplecher. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem. 

DAY 10 (FEB 10): JERUSALEM/JORDAN – Begin the morning with a poignant visit to the Garden Tomb, where a communion service will be held. Then you will drive towards the Jordanian border. View Mount Scopus. Have lunch at Mt. Nebo. Continue to Wadi Musa for dinner and overnight. 

DAY 11 (FEB 11): PETRA – Begin your tour in the breath-taking city of Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, known as "the Rose Red City, half as old as time". Journey through the once-hidden passage to the Treasury. Stroll the two-thousand-year-old streets while marveling at the outstanding ruins that come to life as the sunlight changes the colors with your every step. See the awe-inspiring theatre and Palace Tomb. For the adventurous, climb to the High Place, with its breathtaking view of Petra and Mount Hor, one of the earliest mentioned mountains in scripture. Dinner and overnight in Wadi Musa. Lunch provided.

DAY 12 (FEB 12): AMMAN/USA – Transfer to Amman Airport for your return flight home with luggage packed with keepsakes and your heart full of memories!

NOTE: Schedule is subject to change due to various factors and the tour guide’s discretion.


  • $4,495 per person based on double occupancy (This is a land-only package that does not include airfare)
  • Single room supplement - $1295
  • $500 per person with registration to secure space.
  • 50% of the total amount is due on or before August 1, 2025
  • Balance due on or before November 1, 2025


* Flight times, flight numbers, equipment, gates, and seats are subject to change. For the most current information check the airline website.


PASSPORTS: Passports must be valid with an expiration date of at least six months beyond the return home date of the tour. Participants with non-US passports are responsible for country-specific entry requirements. If you do not have a valid passport or need to renew your passport, enter "RENEWING" or "APPLIED FOR" when completing registration.

CANCELLATION POLICY: The $500 per person deposit is nonrefundable. Other payments exceeding the $500 per person are refundable in full up to ninety days prior to departure. After this date, refunds for unused accommodations and services will be limited to the amount received from and/or credited by all carriers, sightseeing operators, and hotels. All funds, including the deposit, are non-transferable.

AIR: This tour is a LAND ONLY tour. The package does not include airfare. 

GROUND/TRANSFERS: The group will be met on arrival by a Signature Tours representative and transferred to the hotel/airport. Land Only participants not traveling with the group are responsible for scheduling ground transfers.

HOTELS: Superior first-class hotels throughout. Priced based on two people per room with a private bath and shower.

SINGLE SUPPLEMENT: A limited number of single rooms are available at additional supplement prices. Signature Tours and/or the group leader will make every attempt to pair single participants requesting a roommate. However, the single supplement fee will be charged for each person occupying a single room, whether by choice or circumstance.

MEALS: Breakfast and dinner are provided daily. Lunch is provided on days as noted in the itinerary. 

SIGHTSEEING: Entrance fees to all places listed in the itinerary are included, as well as an expert English-speaking guide.

LUGGAGE: Space is limited on the tour buses. Participants are allowed one suitcase weighing 50lbs or less and will be transported in storage under the bus. Participants are allowed one backpack/daypack or personal bag to carry on the bus during the tour. These requirements will meet most airline carrier restrictions. See the carrier website for airline-specific baggage restrictions and requirements. Medical devices are not included in these restrictions. 

TIPS, SERVICE CHARGES, AND TAXES: Tips, service charges, and taxes ARE INCLUDED in the selling price. Taxes, as imposed by national and/or local governments, that are not included at the time of booking are the responsibility of the participant.

NOT INCLUDED: Excess baggage fees, passport fees, visa fees, food or drink items not listed on the regular table menu for included meals, and items of a personal nature such as room service, laundry, etc. Any service not indicated in the itinerary and/or the above list of included features.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: This tour requires a substantial amount of walking. Many of the sites are not accessible by wheelchair, and the uneven terrain is not feasible for rollators. Signature Tours reserves the right to refuse individuals who may require special attention beyond what the tour guide and tour host can provide.

TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel Insurance is not included in the purchase price. For your convenience, we offer travel insurance through Travelex Insurance Services. For more information and rates, please review the product flyer or Click Here to enroll in the plan.
* Travelex Insurance Services, Inc CA Agency License #0D10209. Insurance coverages underwritten by Zurich American Insurance Company (NAIC # 16535).

Signature Tours
PO Box 956817 Duluth, GA 30095