Pastor William Wolfe & Melannie Jackson with Tour Guide Eran Salamon, 11-Day Bible Study Tour, March 3 - 14, 2024

USD $5,295.00
  • Duration: 11 Days
  • Location: Jerusalem
  • Product code: Wolfe24

Operated by Bible Land Tours

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite you to join me on a trip to the Holy Land in March of 2024, along with Israeli tour guide Eran Salamon. Imagine walking where Jesus walked or riding in a boat across the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus calmed a storm and Peter walked on water. See the Bible come to life as you visit biblical sites such as Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb. Spending time in Israel will be a relaxing time of spiritual growth and renewal. On your trip, you will learn about biblical history, archaeology, Jewish culture, and also enjoy Israeli food. Ask anyone who has been to Israel, and they will tell you it is truly the trip of a lifetime. I know firsthand that your life will never be the same once you experience God’s Country. 

Blessings, Pastor William Wolfe

Sonia and I want to invite you to join us on this tour of the land of Israel. As co-hosts, we will share together this learning and inspirational experience as we travel through the Holy Land. During a visit to the Garden Tomb in 1984, I met a group of believers from the Fiji Islands who sang "Because He Lives," which spoke to this missionary heart, seeing how the Pacific Islands represent people from "the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8)  

Pastor Bill and Sonia Shaw

11-Day Journey to the Holy Land

DAY 01 (MAR 3): BEGINNING OUR TOUR – Depart Seattle International Airport for Tel-Aviv, Israel.

DAY 02 (MAR 4):  INTO THE LAND OF THE BIBLE – Arrive in Tel Aviv, where you will be met at the airport for a transfer to your hotel. Dinner & Overnight: Ramada, Hadera's Hotel.

DAY 03 (MAR 5): Day of Leisure Dinner & Overnight: Ramada, Hadera's Hotel.

DAY 04 (MAR 6): CENTRAL COAST & JEZREEL VALLEY - Tour the ancient ruins of Caesarea Maritima National Park, Judah's province's capital city, during Jesus' time. Worship where Peter met Cornelius, the first gentile baptized by the Holy Spirit [Acts 10]. Visit the Palace where Paul preached and was detained for more than two years [Acts 23: 33-35]. Encounter God on Mt. Carmel, where Elijah challenged the Baal Prophets, and God answered with fire from heaven [1 Kings 18]. After Lunch, tour Tel Megiddo National Park and learn about the Canaanite period and Israel's Kingdom. Look out over the Valley of Armageddon [Jezreel Valley] as you gain new insights into biblical prophecy. Look out over Jesus' hometown of Nazareth from Mt. Precipice. Drive through the beautiful Galilee landscape to our hotel overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Dinner & Overnight: Ma’agan Kibbutz.. 

DAY 05 (MAR 7): THE SEA OF GALILEE - We will start the day at Tabgha – Ein Shava ["7 springs"], where Jesus called the first disciples. Stroll along the lakeshore where Jesus prepared the Breakfast by the Sea [John 21]. Continue to Capernaum, Jesus' town, and visit the famous synagogue and Peter's home. Visit Magdala, the recently discovered archaeological site, where you can see an authentic Jesus-time synagogue. Stop for a delicious St. Peter's Fish lunch on the shores of the Lake. Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm. Rededicate your faith by being baptized in the Jordan as your entire group worships and praises God. Dinner & Overnight:  Ma’agan Kibbutz. Lunch provided.

DAY 06 (MAR 8): GOLAN & NORTHERN BOUNDARY - We will start our day with a beautiful hike at Tel Dan National Park, the headwater of the Jordan, overlooking the Israeli-Lebanese border. Explore the fascinating ruins of ancient Dan where King Jeroboam put the golden calf. Follow Jesus to Caesarea Philippi [Banias] National Park, where Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" [Luke 9:13]. Look over Mount Hermon, the Mount of Jesus' transfiguration. We will drive to the Golan Heights and visit Mount Bental, an Israeli stronghold on the Syrian border.  Look over the road to Damascus and learn about the Israeli - Arab war. We will end the day with a visit to Mount Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. Dinner & Overnight: Ma’agan Kibbutz. 

DAY 07 (MAR 9): JORDAN VALLEY - After Checking out of our hotel, we will drive south along the Jordan River. Our first stop will be at an incredible archeological site - the ancient city of Beit Shean [Scythopolis] National Park, the capital of the Decapolis. We will continue south towards Jericho to visit Beth Abara National Park [Qaser El Yahud], also known as "Bethany beyond the Jordan." Here John the Baptist baptized Jesus [John 1: 28], the Israelites crossed the Jordan River [Joshua 3], and Elijah went up to heaven [2 Kings 2: 1-18]. After lunch, we will tour Qumran National Park and learn about the incredible discovery of the "Dead Sea Scrolls," followed by early arrival at our beautiful hotel. Enjoy swimming and relaxation time at the Dead Sea, the lowest place in the world. Dinner & Overnight: David Dead Sea Hotel. *On Saturdays & Holidays – late check-in – at least 2 ½ hours after Sunset

DAY 08 (MAR 10): JUDEAN DESERT - Arrive early morning at Masada National Park [World Heritage Site]. Take part in Herod's fortress's unforgettable tour, where the last battle between Jews and the Roman Empire occurred. We will then visit Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, the largest oasis along the Dead Sea's western shore with much biblical history. Have an authentic biblical experience in the Genesis Land, ride camels in the breathtaking scenery and have a biblical-style meal at Abraham's tent. Continue to Mount Scopus overlook for explanations and pray over Jerusalem. Dinner & Overnight: Grand Court Hotel. Lunch provided.

DAY 09 (MAR 11): JERUSALEM - We will start our day on the top of the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem from the east. After taking pictures, having worship time, and explanations, we will walk down Palm Sunday Road. We will stop and visit the Church of Dominus Flevit, where Jesus wept over Jerusalem [Luke 19, 37-42]. Continue to the Church of Gethsemane and the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before his arrest [Mark 14:32–42]. After lunch, we will proceed on a fascinating visit to the Israel Museum. Our visit includes the Shrine of the Book, which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Model of Jerusalem at the end of the Second Temple period. Continue to an essential visit at Yad Vashem, the world holocaust remembrance center. We will visit “Righteous Among the Nations” Avenue and the Holocaust Museum. Dinner & Overnight: Grand Court Hotel.

DAY 10 (MAR 12): JERUSALEM - Start the day at the City of David National Park and explore the capital of the Kingdom of Judah. Our visit includes the Hezekiah Tunnel [optional], the Pool of Siloam, and the Pilgrims Street [New!]. We will continue to the Jerusalem Archaeological Park to see the Southern Stairs and the entrance gates of the temple. We will continue to have lunch at the old city Jewish Quarter. After lunch, we will go underground to explore the archeological excavations of the Herodian Mansion, Jerusalem's aristocracy's residences in the first century A.D. We will continue on a fascinating tour at the Western Wall Tunnels Excavations to see the Western Wall's foundations and significant remains from the Jerusalem that Jesus knew. We will end our day at the Western Wall praying area. Dinner & Overnight: Grand Court Hotel.

DAY 11 (MAR 13): JERUSALEM - We will start our day with an unforgettable visit to the Temple Mount, the holiest place for the Jewish people. The Temple Mount was the focus of Jesus' activity in Jerusalem. Will walk by St. Steven's Gate to the Pools of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the paralyzed man [John 5]. Praise God by singing with your group at the magnificent St. Ann's Church. Identify with the sufferings of Jesus as you walk through the Via Dolorosa and stop to pray at Pilate's Judgment Hall. After lunch, we will continue to a guided tour and communion ceremony at the Garden Tomb. It is a possible location of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Return to hotel for dinner. Transfer to Tel Aviv Airport for your late-night return flight home. 

DAY 12 (MAR 14): ARRIVE HOME - With your heart full of memories! 

NOTE: This itinerary is subject to change in the sequence of days, local conditions, and preferences of the tour leader. The hotels listed here may be replaced by hotels of a similar or higher standard. Questions? (360) 477-8252


  • $5,295 per person on double occupancy
  • Single room supplement - $1,295
  • Land Only - $4,195 (Purchase your own air)
  • $500 per person with registration to secure space 
  • 50% of the total amount is due on or before September 4, 2023
  • Balance due on or before December 4, 2023


  • TK 204 03MAR SEA IST  0640P 0540P 
  • TK 864 04MAR IST TLV  0725P 0835P 
  • TK 785 14MAR TLV IST  1035A 0155P 
  • TK 203 14MAR IST SEA  0325P 0555P

* Flight times, flight numbers, equipment, gates, and seats are subject to change. For the most current information check the airline website.


PASSPORTS: Passports must be valid with an expiration date of at least six months beyond the return home date of the tour. Participants with non-US passports are responsible for country-specific entry requirements. If you do not have a valid passport or need to renew your passport, enter "RENEWING" or "APPLIED FOR" when completing registration.

CANCELLATION POLICY: The $500 per person deposit is nonrefundable. Other payments exceeding the $500 per person are refundable in full up to ninety days prior to departure. After this date, refunds for unused accommodations and services will be limited to the amount received from and/or credited by all carriers, sightseeing operators, and hotels. All funds, including the deposit, are non-transferable.

AIR: The Standard Tour includes round-trip, economy-class airfare from the departure city listed in the itinerary. All group seating is assigned by the airline and cannot be changed by Signature Tours. Seat changes can only be made during check-in at the airport. Upgrades such as Comfort, Premium, Business, or First Class are not available with the standard tour. Participants who wish to upgrade or purchase a specific seat should choose the Land Only option when registering. Frequent flyer, TSA Precheck, and Global Entry numbers can only be added at check-in.

LAND ONLY: Participants who wish to arrange their own air should choose the Land Only option. $1000pp will be deducted from the standard tour price when selecting this option. Participants arranging their own air should notify Signature Tours at least 6 months prior to the departure date. Land Only Passengers arriving with or before the group are welcome to join the group bus at no additional charge. For those not traveling with the group, Signature Tours can provide contact information to arrange a private transfer.

GROUND/TRANSFERS: The group will be met by a Signature Tours representative and transferred to the hotel/airport. Land Only participants are responsible for scheduling ground transfers.

HOTELS: Superior first-class hotels throughout. Priced based on two people per room with a private bath and shower.

SINGLE SUPPLEMENT: A limited number of single rooms are available at additional supplement prices. Signature Tours and/or the group leader will make every attempt to pair single participants requesting a roommate. However, the single supplement fee will be charged for each person occupying a single room, whether by choice or circumstance.

MEALS: Breakfast and dinner are provided daily. Lunch is provided on days as noted in the itinerary. 

SIGHTSEEING: Entrance fees to all places listed in the itinerary are included, as well as an expert English-speaking guide.

LUGGAGE: Space is limited on the tour buses. Participants are allowed one suitcase weighing 50lbs or less and will be transported in storage under the bus. Participants are allowed one backpack/daypack or personal bag to carry on the bus during the tour. These requirements will meet most airline carrier restrictions. See the carrier website for airline-specific baggage restrictions and requirements. Medical devices are not included in these restrictions. 

TIPS, SERVICE CHARGES, AND TAXES: Tips, service charges, and taxes ARE INCLUDED in the selling price. Taxes, as imposed by national and/or local governments, that are not included at the time of booking are the responsibility of the participant.

NOT INCLUDED: Excess baggage fees, passport fees, visa fees, food or drink items not listed on the regular table menu for included meals, and items of a personal nature such as room service, laundry, etc. Any service not indicated in the itinerary and/or the above list of included features.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: This tour requires a substantial amount of walking. Many of the sites are not accessible by wheelchair, and the uneven terrain is not feasible for rollators. Signature Tours reserves the right to refuse individuals who may require special attention beyond what the tour guide and tour host can provide.

TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel Insurance is not included in the purchase price. For your convenience, we offer travel insurance through Travelex Insurance Services. For more information and rates, please review the product flyer or Click Here to enroll in the plan.
* Travelex Insurance Services, Inc CA Agency License #0D10209. Insurance coverages underwritten by Zurich American Insurance Company (NAIC # 16535).

Signature Tours
PO Box 956817 Duluth, GA 30095